Work started this past week on the addition to Greene County Elementary School. The new construction on the northwest corner of the building will add four classrooms that will initially be used as preschool rooms. With the added space, fourth graders
The addition also includes a new main office with security features. All visitors to the building will be “buzzed in” to the office. They will then have to sign in to the building before continuing to classroom areas.
During construction, the main entrance to the school in not accessible. Visitors are asked to use the east entrance (closest to the playground). That entrance is locked during the school day for security purposes. Visitors can use their cell phones to let office staff know they’re at the door to be let in. The phone number is posted on the door.
Badding Construction of Carroll is general contractor of the project at a total cost of $1,660,500. The project was slated to begin in early March. School superintendent Tim Christensen assured the board the project will still be completed by Aug. 31, even with the later start.
The project will be paid for with funds from the 1-cent sales tax and the physical plant and equipment levy (PPEL).